"Leading with Care in a Tough World provides a compelling approach to inspire diverse teams and transform any type of organization at a time of intense disruption from globalization, technological change, and a global pandemic. It’s an enjoyable read with many memorable stories along with self-assessment questions to ensure you put the key messages into practice."
Karl Alleran; Executive Committee Member, Egon Zehnder
"I have researched and tried to mitigate toxic leadership in organizations. Leading With Care in a Tough World is a welcome contribution, providing recommendations and insights to those who must accomplish difficult tasks in challenging environments."
George E. Reed; Ph.D. Dean, School of Public Affairs, University of Colorado
"An island of innovative insight amid an ocean of leadership BS."
Professor James Barker; Herbert S. Lamb Chair in Business Education, Dalhousie University
"Brilliant insight into the realities of leadership. DeKoch and Clampitt expose the manipulations that pass for emotional intelligence and the toxicity of fake positivity. Grounded in the difficult truths of human relationships, this excellent book illuminates the values and beliefs that guide a leader to success."
Robert McKee; Fulbright Scholar and Globally Renowned Screen Writing Lecturer, Coach and Bestselling Author
"No matter your age or experience, there’s always room to learn more about the art and practice of leadership. This book shines an entirely new light on the subject. A great read. It will make you think."
Gale Klappa; Executive Chairman, WEC Energy Group
"If you care deeply about your career, your business, your organization, and think today’s leadership gurus are all hat and no cattle, congratulations, you’ve found your needle in a haystack of business books. DeKoch and Clampitt show you how a commitment to certain core beliefs and behaviors can guide you through uncertain times and unleash the power of human potential."
Steve Tobak; Managing Partner at Invisor Consulting
"This book offers a simple yet powerful promise: caring leaders can produce extraordinary outcomes. With extensive research and sparkling details, DeKoch and Clampitt reveal how leaders at all levels can enlist our basic humanity to bring out the best in their teams."
Daniel H. Pink; #1 New York Times bestselling author of the books The Power of Regret, When, and Why
"How can we lead others - and ourselves - in an uncertain and fast-changing world? This humane, thoughtful, and practical new book shows the way."
Dorie Clark; Bestselling author of The Long Game and executive education faculty, Duke University School of Business
"Unlock the keys to successful leadership in Leading with Care in a Tough World. Filled with inspiring stories, practical advice and years of tried-and-true methods, DeKoch and Clampitt will teach you how to be the leader of the future. An excellent read!"
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith; Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and New York Times bestselling author of the books Triggers, Mojo and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
"Leading with Care in a Tough World should be readily at your fingertips rather than adorning your bookshelf. With an extraordinarily candid style, DeKoch and Clampitt bring hidden conversations into the open. Enduringly relevant and practical in its application, Leading with Care takes the reader on an adventure of intentional Leadership Evolution."
Alida Al-Saadi; Senior Partner & Futurist - Korn Ferry
"I’ve read a great many business books, and Leading with Care gave me some new insights. It is dense with not just “the what” but the “how to” and will positively challenge both your beliefs and your behaviors."
Mark Sanborn; President, Sanborn & Associates, Inc.
"Effective leadership is ultimately about serving others, creating value from their points of view. Leading
with Care in a Tough World applies timeless ideals to our current, fast-changing moment. This highly
readable book can be of use to everyone in any organization or team striving to reach the next level."
James Strock; Author of Serve to Lead